Business Overview

Catalina Pérez is 40 years old and is the president of the Community Bank of Canglón. She is a strong leader and entrepreneur, her most profitable business activity was her chicken coop.

Catalina Perez's Chicken Coop - Canglon, Panama

Economic Challenge

She used to sell about 35 chicken every 3 months, although she has suspended this activity due to administrative challenges. Catalina’s main challenge has been getting her business back up and running. She ran out of supplies as she was not keeping track of her business financials. Her lack of financial literacy is a second challenge keeping her from growing her business.

The Business

Solutions are expanding on Catalina’s current book keeping knowledge and showing her how she can keep track of her income and expenditures. Brigades will also help her strategize as to how she can build up her business again to be better than it was before she took a break.

Competitive Advantage

There is always a demand for poultry in the community.


Catalina received a brigade a couple of years ago, there she learned the basics of book-keeping, now she is hoping to learn more through this brigade and actually use book-keeping tools (daily ledger) for her poultry business. The current lack of organized book keeping is a major obstacle.

Business Snapshot


Next Steps

The tasks thatCatalina Perez's Chicken Coop has prioritized are:

Business Brigades that have consulted this business:

# of Volunteers
# of Volunteers
University of California San Diego/ London School of Economics
June 2019

Page Last Updated:August 12, 2019